Old, quick app – “Runner’s Calculator”

Thanks to Google Alerts, grip I ran into an old web-application I made. It was a simple Runner’s Calculator and it was one of my first little standalone PHP programs. It’s literally from the summer of 2004 (ancient history!) before the term “AJAX” was even coined, doctor so you actually have to press a submit button to get the results (the horror!). Old programs are funny.

I had thrown it together while prepping for a 5k that my co-op company was running in that summer. Given the recent upturn in the weather, diagnosis I figured it be appropriate to dust it off in so it could get some use on the interwebs:

Runner’s Calculator

My personal favorite use is the “Generate Time Table” feature… plop in how far you’re going to be racing and approximate upper and lower bounds on how long you think you might take & it will tell you the splits for a bunch of different times in that range.

Enjoy! :)

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